Saturday, October 12, 2013

What is BoardWarrior?

 Think about the origin of surfing, or he'enalu,
as it was known to the Pacific
Island warriors who created it, possibly as a fishing technique, then later as a tactic of warfare. Picture them, proud, strong  and  fearless, riding a hand-hewn plank of wood in treacherous surf, braving sharp, rocky shores through violent currents, prey to strong, fast and mindless predators.
This was the origin of surfing, created by men and women with a powerful physical and
spiritual connection to the mighty Pacific Ocean. 
 Fast forward to today and you will see the result of this legacy inherited by today’s board warriors. You can see them on every continent, in every element. down a mountain on a board. Maneuvering a mountain of a wave on a board. Riding the wake of a powerful boat on a board. Sailing up a vert ramp or flying down a 12 stair on a board!! Proud, strong and fearless, today’s warriors are a community of people with a passion as great as the warriors whose legacy we have inherited.  is here to define that passion.
Together, We are Board Warrior

Are you an amateur, an aspiring pro boarder, videographer or photographer? Here is the platform for you to share the 'best you got'. Join the Community and share your video and pictures with other like minded boarders. Create an on-line catalogue of your work. Use it to promote yourself to potential sponsors. Or just use it to see what's going on in the real world of every day boarders.


We've already helped launch one budding career.

Austin Polterock, far left
Austin Polterock is a 14 year old  wakeskater from the California Central Valley. He made pro status last year. His video is all over BoardWarrior and he is sponsored by Liquid Force.  Maybe you can be next.
We are here to grow, to create a site dedicated to the passion we all share.
Do you share our passion! Grab a hat or two and represent. 
Create a free profile and upload your video. Like us on Facebook.
 Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Tumbler and Pinterest.




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